Annual Leave Entitlements

Annual Leave Entitlement

Applies to: all TWL Team Members


The purpose of annual leave is to provide team members with paid time off work for rest and recreation. 

We encourage you to take annual leave. Holidays are important to give you time out from your busy work life to recharge your batteries and spend time with your family and friends. 

We will do all we can to make sure you can take leave. 


After the completion of each year of employment, you are entitled to annual leave of 4 weeks.

Taking of Annual Leave

Annual leave must be taken in the year after you qualify for it, at a time or times to be agreed between you and your Manager having regard to the requirements of the business.

Where we can’t agree on a time to take annual leave, The Warehouse may require you to take a specified amount of leave giving you not less than 4 weeks’ notice.
Regardless of the amount of notice given, the decision on whether leave will be granted will be based on operational requirements.

Leave in Advance

Leave in advance will be at the discretion of The Warehouse.

Notice of Annual Leave

As our peak trading occurs in December, we cannot allow holidays until after Christmas Eve unless exceptional circumstances exist. It should always be recognised that not everyone can take leave at the same time. We ask that you give us one month’s notice of your holiday request. Where one month’s notice is given, your Manager will ensure that you receive a response no later than seven days after submitting the application form.
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