Annual Leave Policy

Annual Leave Policy

Applies to: all TWL Team Members


To comply with the Holidays Act and to make sure you have time away from the workplace each year to rest and enjoy leisure activities.


Accrued Leave:
Leave that accumulates during the 12 months of service before your anniversary date. Note: there is no automatic right to take this leave during the “accrual” period.

Entitled Leave:
The amount of leave that is credited to you once you have completed 12 months service and every anniversary year thereafter.

Anniversary/Entitlement year:
The 12 months following the date the team member commenced employment and every year thereafter.

Annual leave

We encourage you to take leave. Holidays are important to give you time out from your busy work life to recharge your batteries and spend time with your family and friends. We will do all we can to make sure you can take leave.

Your leave entitlement:
  • After you have worked at TWL for 12 months you become entitled to four weeks paid holiday.
Timing of leave:
  • As December is our busiest trading time you may take holidays in the December month only after Christmas Eve, unless there are exceptional circumstances.
  • You must take your holidays within 12 months of earning them. Your manager must approve any exceptions. You should apply in writing, giving all the relevant details.
  • If you do not take your holidays within 12 months of earning them, the company has the right to give you 4 weeks notice that you will take a specified amount of leave.

Applying for leave:
  • You should complete a leave application.
  • Your immediate manager then approves your leave.
  • Not everyone can take leave at the same time. You should apply for leave one month before you want to take it. If you do this, your manager will let you know within seven days.

Leave in Advance:
  • You can apply to take paid annual holidays before you become entitled to them. (This may be because you have not completed 12 months of service or because you have used up all the leave you are entitled to.) Your manager may approve this leave at his or her discretion.
  • You may take leave in advance up to an amount equivalent to the annual leave you have accrued during the anniversary year.
  • When you take leave in advance, you agree that we may deduct from your final pay any holiday pay that we have overpaid you by letting you take your annual leave early.

Long Service Leave:

On completion of years of service, you will qualify for extra leave as set out below:
  • After 10 years’ service – one special holiday of an extra four weeks.
  • After 20 years’ service – one special holiday of an extra four weeks.
  • After 30 years’ service – one special holiday of an extra four weeks.

Where you resign from employment with the Company before completing a service period there is no entitlement to proportionate payments of long service leave.

In the event of death, resignation or retirement, any long service leave which has already been credited in accordance with this policy and which has not at that date been taken, will be paid out.

A week of long service leave is calculated based on the hours worked in a week at the time the long service leave is either taken or cashed up. It does not matter what hours have been worked during the qualifying period.

Cashing up your leave
We want you take to all the annual leave you are entitled to within 12 months of earning it. However, there are some circumstances where you may cash up your other types of leave. These are set out below:
Long Service Leave:
  • This leave cannot be cashed up or carried over
Lieu/alternate days
  • Twelve months after you have earned them, you may cash up lieu days or alternate days that accrue because you have worked on a Public Holiday.
Annual Leave
  • You may cash in up to one weeks annual leave in each entitlement year.
  • Leave can be cashed up in periods of one day up to one week’s worth.
  • Periods under 1 day cannot be cashed up.
Please click here for information on how to cash up your leave. 

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