Career Break Policy

Career Break Policy

Applies to: all TWG team


We value the different skills and ideas that come from having team members with diverse life experiences and how these transferable skills contribute to our business. We want to support and encourage the diversity and so are offering a 'Career Break' so that our team members can explore other areas of life.

This initiative is aimed at those who would like to take up to 12 months off work, unpaid, to undertake activities that will build transferable skills, and have a job to return to. This could include a range of things that will extend your knowledge and experience like going on an overseas experience of pursing further study.

Process Overview

You first should talk to your Manager about your interest in taking a Career Break, from here you will then need to complete the Career Break Application Form and pass this on to your Manager. Note that your application needs to be given to your Manager at least 3 months before you intend to take your Career Break. Your Manager will consider your request and get back to you within one month of your request. You also need to be aware that the Career Break is at the discretion of your Manager and may be declined due to ineligibility or business requirements at the time of the application.


When can I apply for a Career Break?
You can apply for the Career Break at anytime, but must be at least 3 months before you intended to take the leave.

How long can I take a Career Break?
You can apply for up to 12 months.

Who is eligible to apply for a Career Break?
All permanent team members employed by The Warehouse Group.

What other conditions are there for eligible team members?
You must have been employed with The Warehouse Group for a minimum of 3 years before applying for your Career Break.
You must have a good attendance record. This means that there must not be any concern with your punctuality or excessive sick leave use.
You must not be undergoing a Performance Improvement Plan or subject to any disciplinary action.
You  must not have taken any type of extended leave in the 2 years preceding your application to have a Career Break i.e. Joe has taken 12 months of parental leave, therefore he cannot be granted a Career Break.

Do I get paid while I am am on a Career Break?
No, a Career Break is unpaid leave.
Your Career Break is capped at 12 months which may be a combination of paid leave and unpaid leave. All of your leave must be taken before you go on your Career Break, this includes long service leave, annual leave and days in lieu.

Will I have the same role when I come back from my Career Break?
Due to the requirements of the business we may not be able to put you back into the exact role you left for your Career Break. However, you will be guaranteed to return to a similar role.

Will my length of service continue while I am on a Career Break?
Yes, your service will be deemed continuous.

Will I still accrue Annual Leave if I take a Career Break?
No, you will not accrue any Annual Leave or Sick Leave and also not be paid any public holiday which occur during your Career Break.

Will I still receive any bonus if I take a Career Break?
Any bonus that you may be eligible for will be paid to you on a pro-rated basis based on the hours you have worked during the bonus period. i.e. if you do not work any hours during the bonus period, you will not receive a bonus payment.

How do I apply for a Career Break?
Complete the Career Break Application Form, ensure that this is handed to your Manager at least 3 months prior to your intended break.

Will my Career Break be approved?
As much as we would like to cater to every request we do need our team on board and so if your request does not fit with business requirements this means that the request may be declined. Rest assured however that we will discuss the reasons why this has been declined with you.

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