Diversity - Equal Employment Opportunities EEO Policy

Diversity - Equal Employment Opportunities EEO Policy

Applies to: all TWL


We are committed to providing a work environment where we recognise and value different skills, ability and experiences and where people are treated fairly in order to attract and retain talented people who will contribute to the achievement of TWG’s corporate objectives.

We encourage a working environment in which individual diversity is recognised and where equal employment opportunities are offered to all potential and existing team members on the basis of relevant merit.


Diversity means eliminating barriers to ensure that all potential team members are treated fairly, including being considered for the employment of their choice and having the chance to perform to their maximum potential.

We are committed to ensuring that team members are treated equitably and as such, we recruit the best person for the job based on job requirements and merit. We endeavor to match individual skills, experience, qualifications and potential to the requirements of the job.

We strive to create an environment in which all our people are given the chance to achieve their full potential and in which development opportunities, tools and promotions are based on merit. We are fully dedicated to ensuring our employment practices are free of any kind of discrimination based on gender, ethnic or national origins, colour, race, marital status, sexual orientation, age, disability, family status, employment status, religious belief, ethical belief, or political opinion.

This means that everyone is treated fairly and equitably when employment decisions are made and that unlawful discrimination does not take place. Anyone who acts in a discriminatory manner may place their employment within TWG in jeopardy.

Executive teams will assist the board in establishing measurable objectives for achieving diversity. The board will assess annually both the measurable objectives and TWG’s progress towards achieving them and will ensure that the appropriate disclosures are made in the Annual Report
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