Long Service Leave Entitlement

Long Service Leave Entitlement

Applies to: all TWL team


Your employment agreement sets out your current annual, bereavement and sick/domestic leave entitlements and benefits. We ensure we meet NZ employment law requirements and exceed them in some cases. 


We recognise exceptional commitment to the business through your length of service by offering a long service leave benefit.

At 10, 20 and 30 years' service you get an additional one-off special allocation of an extra four weeks leave. 

This is on top of your normal annual leave.  

Where you resign from employment with the Company before completing a service period there is no entitlement to proportionate payments of long service leave. 

A week of long service leave is calculated based on the hours worked in a week at the time the long service leave is taken. It does not matter what hours have been worked during the qualifying period.


Will the extra 4 weeks be added on to my leave balance all at once?
The extra 4 weeks will be added all at once. This will be added in the next standard pay after your anniversary date.
You can view your long service leave balance through My Pay by clicking on 'My Leave.' Long Service Leave is a separate leave type to Annual leave. 

Any Long service entitlements from the 1st of September 2018, have to be used within the following months and cannot be carried over. Also, Long Service Leave cannot be cashed up.
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