When one of your Team Members lodges a Mileage claim, you will be notified by email.
The Unapproved tab appears, which automatically displays allowances for all Team Members.
2. Check the Notes field for more information about the mileage
3. Click Approve.
The Team Member is notified by email that you have approved
their transaction.
If a Team Member’s mileage claim is incorrect, then you can decline it.
1. Use the Selected checkboxes to select which transactions you
want to decline.
2. Click Decline.
3. A Reason field appears above the transactions grid.
4. In the Reason field, type a reason for declining the transaction.
Note: You must enter a Reason or you will get an error when you
attempt to submit the form.
5. Click Submit.
The Team Member is notified by email that you have declined their
transaction, and the mileage claim is recorded on their Declined
Transactions grid in My Transactions.
The Team Member must correct and resubmit their mileage claim.