The Warehouse Way - A Team Member's Handbook ( 3-step disciplinary procedure)

The Warehouse Way - A Team Member's Handbook ( 3-step disciplinary procedure)

Applies to: all TWL

3-step disciplinary procedure

We have a fair and lawful disciplinary procedure which is used to investigate all allegations of misconduct and poor performance.

You will receive at least 24 hours’ written notice of a disciplinary meeting to allow you to prepare and to obtain independent advice if you wish. 
As part of the investigation you will be given full opportunity to explain at the disciplinary meeting.  You have the right to take independent advice and you can have a representative present at the disciplinary meeting.

The outcome of the meeting may be a warning or other disciplinary action such as dismissal and will be confirmed in writing. Further misconduct may result in a second written warning or possibly dismissal.  Each written warning is valid for a 6-month period. This may be extended to 12 months dependant on the seriousness of the matter.

There are times where because the misconduct warrants it and the circumstances are fair and reasonable, a final written warning may be issued in the first instance.

We may suspend you on full pay where a serious issue is being investigated, eg: suspected dishonesty or where safety or security is threatened.  You will be consulted about the suspension before a decision is made.

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